Register as a Global Angel of 100 Women in Finance

Global Angels are members who opt to make a vital investment in our mission to work together to empower women in finance. Global Angels enjoy all Global-level benefits, exclusive invitations to annual Angel-only events, and special recognition in all calendar years for their contributions.


Please update your details by logging in to Update Profile.
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Please note that this website is run on a server located in the United States of America. The personal information, if any, provided by you pursuant to your registration/application for membership to 100 Women In Finance is provided to and is processed by an entity based in the US. If you are a resident of another country, and decide to provide personal information through this website, you acknowledge that you may not benefit from data protection laws in your country of residence. By continuing you accept our Privacy Statement.

Global Angel Registration

  • Step 1: Complete the Registration Form below
  • Step 2: Pay your Global Angel Access Fee
    • USD $1000 1 year as a Global Angel (or make a higher level donation)
    • USD $2500 3 years as a Global Angel

Once you are registered and have paid your fee, you can RSVP for events, access Community, and access our Job Board.

In the US, Access fee payments may be deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses to the extent permitted by the Internal Revenue Code, but not as charitable contributions.

In Hong Kong, Access fee payments cannot be deducted as charitable contributions for Hong Kong salaries tax purposes but such payments may be deductible as business expenses to the extent permitted by the Inland Revenue Ordinance if members are carrying on business in Hong Kong.

Update your account's profile information.
To be shared on 100WF Community
(Max 1000 characters.)
Update your experience and employment information.
(Select all that apply)
From time to time, schools may ask for alumni who are 100WF members for speaker or mentor opportunities.